Label Ecocert

ECOCERT IS inspection and certification bodyWhose activity IS SUCH 've framed by the Public Authorities and legislation .

IS Ecocert accredited by the National Institute for Origin and Quality.

In terms of structure and procedures , Ecocert IS Under Registration No. 5-0035 COFRAC - French Committee for Accreditation, the standard guide to LUKAS ISO 65 (EN 45011) , Which Requires independence, competence and Impartiality.

Ecocert SA IS approuvé for organic agriculture by the USDA NOP for the repository and The repository for the JAS MAFF .

An ethics founder

A Pioneering company, Outcome A. C.A.B. ( Association of Consultants in Organic Agriculture , 1978) , ECOCERT Was Born in 1991 When the parties' separation and control board .

Since 1992 , ECOCERT obtenues approval " from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance . Ecocert Belgium Was created , Followed by Germany in 1995 and Ecocert Ecocert Portugal .

En in 1996 , ECOCERT IS accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC ) under EN 45011 (gold ISO65 ).

In 2002, MOVED TO Ecocert Canada , Japan and Brazil . In 2006 , ECOCERT IS approuvées in time a private company in China .

Organic farming IS Emerging as a global solution to the environmental crisis in the Agricultural and Food Industries . It respects water resources , soils and biodiversity , hairpins Yields in the long term , offers products rich in micronutrients and Does not release toxic molecules . Energy efficient , it EMITS less greenhouse gas emissions .

In winning the support of stakeholders and Consumers Became Ecocert a reference to organic certification in the WorldAnd certified in France more Than 70 % of Producers.

Today environmental issues are global and organic farming Must Be seen in this overall outcome and participate way in sustainable development


Our rationale

Inspection and Certification

The core business of ECOCERT Is To Give A GUARANTEE strict compliance with specifications are applicable to products , systems or services . The Certificate Is a GUARANTEE of safety for the consumer or user .

In organic farming, for example , this Implies the flexible loan to support, by Trained Personnel, local and network tools Specifying has wide number of players in the organic sector, to Ensure Compliance and traceability to European Repositories , U.S. or Japan , have the destination market .

Developing benchmarks

ECOCERT Develop benchmarks in partnership with Professionals in the sector , has to LUKAS Proven methodology . These benchmarks, Which Must Be based on objective and quantifiable , can Be deposited . Ecocert Provides design control plan is the goals of quality , origin or traceability .

Ecocert IS Sought on projects in various themes, and Developer ITS Own repositories : green products , seafood products , fair and responsible ... Solidarity

Adherence to a standard approach Remains a free and voluntary , Carrie requirement " of quality and Ethical values


Cosmetics ecological and biological

Ecocert defines the repository ECOLOGICAL AND ORGANIC COSMETICS level of requirement " Than That of Conventional regulation of cosmetic products , Which Guarantees the genuine practice of environmental compliance THROUGHOUT the production chain, consumer compliance and recovery of natural substances of Higher environmental quality.